Thursday, February 16th, 2023 Queen Victoria, at sea
Updated: Jun 24, 2023
Queen Victoria has been sailing southwest from Hawaii for a few days now, nothing much to report except that the Pacific Ocean is absolutely vast – it’s a whole lot of nothing, we’ve not seen a single ship for days, and very little marine life. At 2pm today the ship held the “crossing the line” ceremony as we crossed the equator; the ceremony is administered by “King Neptune” and those “pollywogs” who were crossing the line for the first time to become “shellbacks” are generally splattered with all manner of left-over food and other gunk to the great amusement of the crowd. As hardy shellbacks we did not need to go through this ceremony, even though we didn’t go throw it the first time either. In the afternoon we attended a gin master class at the gin bar, given by our favorite bar steward Ricardo. We’d attended this class a few years ago and it was a lot of fun, as it was this time. Ricardo explained the gin making process and the various types of gin – along the way we tasted the 3 Cunard gins and 4 gin cocktails, tapas were also provided. I’m not quite sure how we made it back to the cabin, but we had a nap and remarkably got dressed and went to dinner. Just before midnight the ships clocks advanced 24 hours as we crossed the international dateline; meaning we went to bed on Thursday night and woke up on Saturday – missing out Friday altogether.
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